
Equestrian Wardrobe Blog-Hop!

Okay, so, I'm a total riding fashion snob compared to most of my fellow western trail/pleasure riders, I admit. Despite the fact that barely anyone actually see's me ride (typically mom, BM, BO and maybe another boarder) I want to make sure I don't look homeless, so I'm pretty excited for this blog hop brought to us by Hillary! (I'm also probably the only western rider involved so hey, it'll be interesting.)

 The first topic in question is actually a spin off of L's final hop. I want to know about what you ride in and why? Show us your Equestrian Fashion choices and tell us why you wear them!

 Starting out at the top, my favorite things to wear shirt-wise when riding are long-sleeved and light-weight. I've learned that short sleeves when riding on trails always end in my poor arms getting scratched up and bruised. I don't go on the simple little fun trails like those rent-a-horse places where you hop on a fat horse and just ride in a line, I do get into some...interesting predicaments and short sleeves aren't the safest. Plus I sunburn. I just burn. No tan. Burns.

I love anything Wrangler, really. They may be slightly over-priced but they make some really nice riding shirts that are light and not enough to kill you of a heatstroke. (Fun fact, I can't sweat like, at all, so I literally could have a heat stroke. Yayy.) 

Wrangler button up.

Wrangler button up.

 I love button up's because they still look somewhat put-together for a ride. I've gotten the hatred of looking...sloppy...from my grandfather and refuse to leave the house looking like I'm not put-together.

Another favorite is Ariat long sleeved shirts. Most of them have really soft material and aren't too hot for the summer.



 And for Winter, I love layering. I typically sport either a thicker button-up or use both of the shirts above and layer them. If it's needed, I throw on a thick coat. I admit, I wear old sweatshirts with tank tops during colder months with my jeans and Ariat brown "high" boots. (I say "high" like that because they are not to be confused with English, lol!)

Oh, Red. My typical Winter riding outfit. Light jacket that a coat could slip over without too much bunching, always zipped up because I hate dealing with unzipped jackets flying around, light long-sleeved Ariat top on the bottom, Wrangler skinny jeans (That are a size too large so they aren't way too tight, urgh, Wrangler.) and Ariat boots with my western belt.

I'm not picky with jeans at all. I prefer skinny type jeans for riding because the boots can slip over but they can't be too skinny where I can't move my legs, haha! I don't have a particular brand of jeans because I buy most of mine second-hand but I love my Wrangler bootcut and skinnies.

Terrible mirror shot but it works.

I must wear a belt while riding. Must. There has to be some kind of rule about that, right? I just feel like it's almost bad etiquette to not wear one. I've been flashed far many times by riders trying to mount a taller horse without one. Plus, who wouldn't want to add some quirkiness with a belt? ;)

My two favorites are the one seen above and one with this belt buckle:

I have this buckle.

Both belts were birthday gifts and fabulous, but my second one is my favorite. It was hand-made, leather, and says "follow your heart, mine leads to the barn" with engraving and etc. Really, really pretty belt and I need to get a picture of it.... I also have a horse-shoe buckle that I really need to use more.

As far as boots go, I am picky. Nothing below mid-calf for riding. I hate those new ankle cowboy boots. Yuck. Ew. Throw them away along with the "cowgirl" trend please. (No, your booty shorts and boots don't make you a cowgirl. Kthnxbye.) I love Ariat and Laredo cowboy boots:

I have the solid pink version of these. I adore Ariat.

My favorite boots, ever. Hands-down. I have these with the green in-lays. The sole is dead, basically. There is a huge hole in both soles. I have lost my soul. Har har. But seriously, these are moderately cheap and amazing and comfortable.

 And I love my taller Ariat boots for Winter.

Ariat tall Windermere boot.

I do have this thing were I like to match my tack and I refuse to clash with it. (Green tack, I'll never wear yellow and etc on Red again, haha!) I need to stock up on more green tops...maybe this Winter when summer things are on clearance. Mwah.

All matchy-matchy and killin' it.


  1. So western! Love it :D I ride in english tack, but have not given up my jeans and cowboy boots yet, lol!

  2. Interesting to see the western spin on
    The hop :)
