
A quick quiz thingy! :)

Got this from http://inredlipstick.blogspot.com/

1. Yes, Red is a Bay Quarter Horse, he is 15.1 H.H, a little over 1,000 pounds. :)
2. About a year now, but I've rode off and on.
3. I like both. :) either way!!
4. WESTERN!!! I just prefer every part of it. :)
5. Quarter Horse.  :) Love Mustangs, too, and Appaloosa's.
6. Bay. :) or Roans.
7. Leather. I use cowboy boots. :)
8. Horse!!
9. Trail ALL the way!
10. Bug spray. :) Or fly spray, :))
11. Nylon or rope! It's easier on Red's skin, he is sensitive.
12.Either way. :)
13. Geldings. :)
14. I use a SUPER old saddle, just an old Western saddle that was a gift from my Papaw to my mom years ago, don't know the brand. I also have a nice brown barrel saddle but forgot what brand it is. :))
15. He is SOOOO lazy!!! He will start whinnying or fake injuries the second he sees my saddle, but then settles down after a couple minutes.
16. Barrels.
17. I don't care, Red is a non-gaited horse. :) Never really rode a gaited horse, couldn't tell you my preference.
18. The Black Stallion.
19. I just like certain blogs like, CanIhaveAPony, and InRedlipstick. :)
20. Yes!!
21. I like Appaloosa's personalities better, but lookwise either one.
22. Hmmm..... I use them as a chair a lot.....I don't know? Lol!!! I use Red to scare some not so horsey-relatives. :)
23. Nope!! :( I'd love to though.
24. No, but I will one day.
25. Never fallen. (yet)
26. Either way, just depends on my mood. Sometimes I just need to be alone with my boy.
27. I don't use one.
28. 1,000,000,000,000. ;) Actually, there is no number to describe it.
29. Yes, but it wore off quickly.
(Also, they did the numbers weird, so one of the questions that I accidentally didn't answer was:  What is the color of your saddle pad, halter etc? My saddle pad is blue, yellow, black and red plaid, my halter is green and burgundy, my saddle I use the most is black, the other brown, my bridle is brown with Texas/western stars, and I hope my future with horses is bright and includes rodeos. :)


  1. Thanks for mentioning my blog! That's sooo nice! This is one of my favorite blogs! :)

  2. :) I'm thinking about trying side-saddle today maybe. I'm not for sure though, I've never tried it before, I might end up on the ground, and it's a little muddy. But a little mud never hurt anybody right? :) Pics later on my blog too. :))

    1. That would be cool-I'd love to see pictures if you end up trying. We have a few super old side-saddles and I think I'm going to clean one of them up and use it for my future photoshoot with Red. I can't ride in mud with Red because he is sooo clumsy! :P We'd both end up on the ground, rofl! I'll keep my eye out for the pictures!

  3. :) I tried a little bit, but I couldn't convince my brother to take pictures.. :/ oh well. It was a little muddy and Flicka tripped once, but that was it and she's okay :) It's wayy warm today, 41 degrees. I rode in a sweatshirt. Normally in January it's like -15 here, so major heat wave, and tomorrow it's supposed to be 3. We have weird weather, one day it's amazing and the next it's freezing! I wanna move somewhere warm so bad!
