

 These are some questions I've gotten before, just some fun ways for ya'll to know me more. :)

Do you ride? Yes
 What style? Western
What disciplines? None yet. ;) My horse is mainly a pleasure horse.
 Do you own a horse? Yes
 If so, what kind? Bay colored Quarter Horse.
Favorite horse color? Anything Appaloosa. I love dappled greys
Favorite breed(s)? Appaloosas and QH
Do you take riding lessons? No
Favorite helmet brand? I actually don't wear a helmet...... Not saying you shouldn't. I personally feel really uncomfortable with them on.
Favorite boots brand? Well, I don't wear riding boots (I wear Cowboy boots!) but as for that I love Ariats and Laredo's. 
Any goals? I'd love to be able to barrel race eventually.
What got you into riding? Well, my mom used to barrel race and have tons of horses, so she really got me into them. I've just always loved horses. I never grew out of that "I LOVE HORSES" stage that all girls go through.
Whats your favorite thing about your horse? His personality. He's so calm, sweet and lazy. I have found tons of pictures of him with kids hanging from his neck and climbing all over him, and he loves the attention. HI just love him so much overall. Picking a favorite is hard. :)

If you owned a barn:
Size? Maybe about 40 acres.
Rules? Lease must be paid. :) Must treat horses well. :D
Name? This is a fun question...... I don't know. I saw a horse farm called "Rockin' Horse Stables" in Florida and loved the name.
Style? Western
 What you would offer? Lessons, boarding, maybe lease. :D

Any horse:
Breed? Appaloosa or Paint.
Color? For the Appy, I'd do white with brown Leopard spots, for the Paint, a black and white Pinto with a solid white face.
Gender? Geldings.
Age? (5 years)
Height? 16-17 H.H
Skill? Barrels!
Style of riding? Western, of course. :D

How old is your horse? Red is 8 years old. He's a whippersnapper. (I think that should be his new name, Whippersnapper. Lol!)
For western riders:would you like to try english?Or have you already?if so, do you like english? I love Western, but I do kind of like English, so maybe.
have you/do you want to show your horse? I would love to.
Whats your horses show and barn name? My QH's registered name is "Cash's Steppin' Up" which is where I got the blogs name, and his "barn name" is Little Red. But I call him Red.
whats your favorite breed of horse? QH, Arabians, or Appaloosas.

Western or English? Think Ya'll know already. :D
Favorite coat color? Hmmm, I LOVEEEE Roans and dappled greys....
How long have you been riding? Not long.
Ponies or Horses? HORSES! I love big horses. I mean 15 H.H and up. I don't like the smaller ponies/horses as much.
Show, trail, cross-country, etc? Trail, no doubt.
Barn friends? My family. :) I have my own house with acreage where my horse stays. Sooo....
Do you ride bare back? I haven't yet, but I will.
Have you ever ridden without stirrups? Well, once my feet kept slipping out of them on the trails, so I just kicked my feet out and rode with them out....Haha!
Favorite horse website? Don't really have one. I love looking at the random Tumblr horse blogs and blogs on here. :)
Favorite horse book? Hmmm.... Little Black Pony  by Dr. Suess! :)
Favorite horse movie? I love Black Beauty.
How much do you love horses? Way more than I should, probably. I'm obsessed.
have you ever rode on a beach? No,but it's in my bucket list. :D
Favorite thing about horse back riding? Everything! The rush, the calmness, the feeling of being with a true friend. :)
Favorite horse’s name? My favorite horse is my horse, so I guess Little Red! :)

Favorite color for a horse? Include color of mane and tail! I love Buckskins and Bays, they, of course, have black mane and tails. I've always love a dappled grey with a white mane and tail.
Would you like to pursue a career with horses? If so, what career? I'd love to. And Rodeos. :)
Favorite show or movie with horses? Heartland.

 How many horses do you have? 1 QH coming and a mini horse.

Have you ridden a pony? Yes.

When did you last ride? Back in July in Florida, but I plan on riding every day as soon as Red gets home! :) It's been WAAAAY too long.

  Do you like geldings,Mare's,stallion's better? Geldings.

First horse fallen off of? Never fallen.

First horse ridden? A little pony that belonged to my Aunt.

Do you show? No.

Do you/ Have you taken lessons? Never taken actual lessons, I don't need to. :) My mom helps and "trains" me.

Do you clean your tack regulary? Depends on how dirty the tack gets. I wash my halters fairly frequently.

Arena/ring or trail? Trail.

Have you been bitten? Yes.. By my feisty mini Barbie. She was nervous because a dog kept barking. I don't blame her at all. I would've bitten me too! She was afraid! :(

Have you been thrown off? No.

Have you been on a horse that rears? No.

Have you ridden at night? Nope! :)

Do you wear a helmet? I don't and wouldn't unless I was doing something on a horse that I didn't know/trust, or if I was riding somewhere where it's the law. I prefer my cowboy/baseball hats

 Do you give your horse treats a lot? Um, sometimes. My mini loves apples, so every time I get apples I get a couple for her.

Do you give your horse like human food ever? Other than carrots and apples, nope.

Have you been bucked off? No. :)

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