
Why I Don't Need To Show My Horse

Ever since I got Red, 99% of my family and friends have urged me to show. The only person that's been on my side of things is my mother. It's not that we don't have a trailer or the money, although of course money will always be a big thing to think about, because I've had various offers from friends that are willing to trailer Red and I wherever we need to go and help me out at shows or rodeos or clinics or whatever we choose to do. I've had a lot of options to take lessons, I know a lot of folks with great horse experience that I could ask to come help me out. And at the end of the day, I have a rockin' horse who could go very far into a good career. Red has proved his worth at local rodeos, he's a great roping horse, a great ranch horse, a great goat tier. He could do Western Pleasure and he's even shown promise for very low level dressage (coming from a lot of trainers, he's good at it when he's just messing around at home but gets bored and stressed too easily) and HUS. He loves english, he loves western. As long as he's with a person who is being nice to him, he's happy. With the right trainer, we could do good. We may not be worthy of huge shows and money but I guarantee we could get a couple ribbons or a buckle or trophy eventually.

But still, I've opted against it. It's not because I have any problem with showing, I live vicariously through those of you who show. I love hearing about your adventures and seeing y'all bring ribbons home, I'm rooting you guys on from the moment you announce you're going to a show and I'm cheering while reading your posts about it. But it's just not me, and it's not my horse. Red has excelled the most in these past 2 years when he hasn't been in lessons, hasn't been in shows. He's excelled the most when he has wiggle room in training, when we aren't constantly trailering him to different places and when a bunch of people aren't riding him. He likes his life as it is. He's doing incredible right now, and it's not because I've had a trainer to help me. He's showing possibly the most potential he ever has before while I'm barely even working on it. I've been working on collection very lightly for about 5 or so minutes every ride and then we ride around on a loose rein and dabble in some random things. I've started him very lightly back into roping and he loves it. He just isn't made for showing. He gets stressed during shows, he gets stressed with the things that are necessary at most shows (crowds, bits, other stressed horses, etc) he's a trooper with it, he deals with it and is still a safe mount, but he's stressed.

I didn't decide not to show because I don't feel like my horse has potential. I didn't decide not to show because I just dislike the idea of showing. I've decided that doing what I'm doing now, dabbling in everything at home and taking it easy, doing liberty when I want and focusing on our bond and relationship, although it may sound silly and stupid to some, is what I want to do.

So me and my nicely bred, sound, safe, and woah he was actually expensive what happened horse and I are going to stay at home and pretend to be at shows when he's acting extra fancy in our pastures.



  1. I completely understand where you're coming from and respect it. I could've gone to a bunch of shows this year with B, but we did the Woodstock weekend and now trail rides and hunter paces. It's all for the experience! Maybe some schooling or fun shows, but I'm not going to throw in a ton of cash that I don't have for the same experience I could get somewhere with a bunch of friends and drinks in a cooler. Good for you. :)

  2. Making the right decision against others' arguments is hard sometimes. Right now, I don't show because I'm not sure my girl could handle the stress, although I haven't thrown out the possibility of doing a few shows for fun in the future. My competitive goals/dreams will probably come true with another horse though. That's just the way it happens :)

    1. I agree, it's hard putting yourself and your horse first with those decisions but it's worth it in the long run.

  3. It's not for everyone. I can't imagine riding without showing just like some people can't imagine showing with riding.

    1. I totally agree. All in personal preference. :)

  4. I believe that the best thing about riding is getting to do what YOU want. If you like to trail ride, then that's what you should do. If you want to try a little bit of everything, DO IT. This is your hobby and your life -- you should do what makes you happy

  5. I went to a schooling show about 4-5 months after I started riding and did a W/T class. I learned a lot in the experience and it was the good kind of stress for someone who was just starting to learn to really hone on balanced and safe equitation. Though my focus is endurance trails, I really want to continue learning how to jump and maybe someday doing that with Quest in a schooling show if it proves to be something she enjoys too (:

    1. Schooling shows are really great. If I had some small, low-key shows just to dabble in every so often I'd probably be interested but sadly the only shows in my area are either fairly big (big enough to mean something lol) or just loud rodeos.

  6. I applaud you for taking his feelings into account when making that decision!!! I would like to try showing because I've never done it before, but I don't think it will ever be something I would enjoy doing all the time. I get stressed too easily and don't like the pressure and anxiety. I would love to do Competitive Trail Riding though because it's not in a crowded arena type setting. My main riding goal in life is trail riding. I love going out and exploring new places. :) I'm glad you and Red are doing so well!

    1. thank you! I'm the same way. I think I would enjoy the competitive part of it but the stress of actually getting ready, "will my horse do good" type of thing is what stresses me the most.
