Dream horse? I'm biased. I wouldn't trade Red for anything.
Worst fall? Somehow, I've never fallen..but my worst injury is my current one. A huge bruise down my leg, geeze it hurts. ;)
Worst riding memory? Either when Red took me up a huge, steep, tree-filled hill, or when I just had that one, blah ride...
Why did you start riding? Because, as my title says, horses make me who I am. I can't imagine a life without them. I started riding not for the sport, but for horses and because I don't know how I'd deal with stuff without having my "safe place" at the barn.
Ever wanted to quit riding? Not seriously, nope. But there have been hard times.
Best memory with your horse? Either when we first cantered, or when he ran and started playing with me in the field.
What other discipline do you want to try? I would love to ride English, just to try it. Nothing special, maybe Dressage. ;) I'd love to try reining or work with cattle!
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Ride on the beach or in a field in the winter? I don't think I'd want to ride on a beach in the Winter. ;) Too windy and etc...but I'd love to do it in Summer. So, field.
Hunter or Jumper? Don't have a preference.
English or Western? Westernnnn...But I love English!
is the height of the jump important to you? Considering I don't jump, no.
Least favourite discipline? Polo. Just bores me.
Favourite breed and colour on a horse? Bay Quarter Horse! Lol!
Least favourite breed and colour on a horse? I don't really like Racking horses, TWH and etc. I don't have a least favorite color..
Have you ever ridden in the water? No :(
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Have you ever ridden bareback? Of course!
Have you ever been on a trail ride? It's what I do! ;)
How many times have you fallen off? Never.
Would you ever buy a trail horse (Cant do anything but trails) now? No. While I only trail ride, I like to have a horse that can do other things.
How many horses have you/do you own? I own one, but there are two others in my family. (My mom's)
Ever wanted to sell your horse? Why? Never.
Favourite colour saddle pad on your current horse you ride? I love red. :)
Worst riding habit? Keeping my reins too tight.
Favourite thing to buy at tack shops? Saddle pads :O And halters..and headstalls. ;)
Eric Lamaze or Reed Kessler? I don't care....
George Morris or Ian Miller? George Morris scares me.
Spruce Meadows or Show jumping at the Olympics? Purple.
Cross Country or barrel racing? Both? I don't see how they could be compared but okay...
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Favourite discipline that you do not currently do? Barrel racing, dressage, team roping, ranch pleasure, etc. Fun rodeo stuff ;)
Least favourite thing about the equestrian world? Snobs.
Favourite thing to do with your horse? Spend time with him! :)
Riding in the summer or winter? Winter.
Least favourite barn chore? Don't have one. I'll muck a stall, clean tack, etc, don't complain. I'm lucky to have a horse, let alone board at such an amazing place for so cheap. I'll do any work they throw at me.
Favourite barn chore?See above.
how long have you been riding? September made a year.
what discipline? Trail riding at the moment. Just working with my pony.
any goals? To show in Ranch Pleasure.
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Cool questions and answers. :)
ReplyDeletelove the Q and A :)