I apologize for the double post but I wanted to let everyone know I'll be heading to Florida tomorrow sometime and won't be back until Saturday night or early Sunday, therefor I may not get to post. Probably won't unless I'm chilling at a hotel with Wifi. I may be able to comment back or comment on some of the blogs I follow through my phone or at a hotel but I'm heading to my grandparents house and don't like using their computer. ;) Plus no one knows the wifi code!! If you comment, be patient but I will get back to you ASAP. If you need to, feel free to email at Superspecialninja@gmail.com or comment on my Pinterest account-Kalin the horse crazy girl-if any of you guys have questions or whatever. I have a few bloggers that I follow prepping to get their first horses today or tomorrow I believe so I'll be trying to keep an eye out! I'll probably text my barn manager like crazy to make sure Red's okay. ;) ;) I think he will be..once I get back I'll be riding soon as I can.
Til then,
Have a nice trip!