"Every pro was once an amateur, every expert was once a beginner, so dream big and start now."
Today has just been a nice day. It's turned out to be hectic, but good. Yesterday we went to a tack shop that was going to an online, mobile store and closing their home business due to financial difficulties, and they were selling everything dirt cheap. We need no tack, so we bought a few shirts and a pair of boots for my step-dad for Fathers day. :) Spent less than $100 on four womens t-shirts, a mens t-shirt, and a brand new pair of Ariat cowboy boots which are SUPER nice. :)
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Shirt 1 |
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Shirt 2 |
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Shirt 3 |
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shirt 4...didn't get a pic of step-dads shirt. |
We bought a shirt-similar to the grey and pink shirt but different colors-for Ann at our barn to thank her for everything, she has been so amazing and I don't think Red and I would have come such a long way so fast without her. :) So we needed to go to the barn today to drop that off, our new horse shampoo, and a rope halter. The rope halter was the kind of halter with a lead glued to it..
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But mine is WAY nicer.. |
But I had no need for a lead rope to be attached, it was just a nuisance. So, my awesome mom managed to get the extremely glued rope off and we're going to make it into a normal, actual lead rope.
We got there and Ann had *just* let Red out and was about to take the rest of the horses out of the stalls to be turned out, so I ran really quick, grabbed Red's rope halter and got him back in the barn so I could groom him. Took him out, tied him and checked over him. His nylon halter had rubbed a few places on his face because it kept raining and getting wet and rubbing it even more, so I switched the halters out and was extremely happy with how it fit. I don't think it will rub at all and it looked really nice, too. ;) Very sturdy and well-made.
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We had to bring out treats to get those ears forward.. |
Ann had already doctored his tail, put stuff for the sores and itching on it then wrapped it for me. We have gotten to the point that we have to wrap it. It's not getting better and right now, what's the worse wrapping it can do??? We have stayed away from wrapping because I've heard that it stops a little bit of the hair growth but I'd rather him have a short tail than no tail at all..
I combed his mane/tail out, brushed him down, fly sprayed and put MTG on the bald spots on his face from rubbing. He HATES having the MTG on his face!! Shakes his head, tries to get away..so unlike him, but the second you touch his ears he is not having it! :P :P
Once I was done, I knew I still had about thirty minutes and eyed my bridle....he was being very good and I decided to hop on bareback. Put the bridle on over the halter and for the first time ever, I mounted cleanly the first time. ^_^ Normally, it takes me a couple tries to mount. Red is tall and I'm short. Plus I've only ridden bareback four times maybe?? I love it but I'm just not good enough to do it every time. :P
We went down the driveway a few times-the driveway is looooooong-and walked around the farm outside the fence, mom went to see Spirit in the closed in pasture where he is with the filly and two colts,Red behaved well after we passed him. A groundhog ran in front of us, Red tried to say hi...A bunny went passed us, he sidestepped up acted fine. Wildlife was everywhere today!! So funny how Red wants to make friends with everything.
He did so well on the ride..Sidestepped with me a couple times when he wanted to go the barn, but he KNEW it was turn out time and didn't want to be worked, but that just made me work him more. He's more patient when I'm riding bareback, probably 'cuz he senses my lack of knowledge..I'm getting better, though!! We did a little of a fast walk, not a trot but a faster paced walk, and we did well. I only rode for about twenty five minutes then we had to leave because company was coming. It was cooler today and we rode lightly so he didn't need to be cooled off. Gave him a few more treats and sent him out to play. I opened the barn door and expected him to go out like normal, but he stuck to me like glue. He has finally picked up the follow command and every time I say, "Follow" or cluck he'll follow me..He normally does without the command unless he's being a stubborn butt like today.
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Ignore my face. Mom said "act sweet!" so I cheesily grabbed onto his chest and said, "RED I LOVE YOU!!" He doesn't mind at all...lol! |
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The ears were a miracle..He NEVER holds his ears up like that when we take pictures!! |
After the ride he got two more treats..
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Normally I only give him two a day when I'm there, but John and Ann had both given him some because he was apparently being a ham today. He had literally JUST had a couple before our ride, but as soon as I dismounted he started licking my left pocket where I have treats 24/7-funny story about that in a sec-and I was like, "FINE!" and went to get more..He made out like a bandit.
Funny story time. We've been painting at church on wednesdays-well, my small group-and the other day we were painting boxes for VBS, I reach in my pocket to put my nameplate bracelet in there since I didn't want it to get messy and pull out tons of horse treats...Someone was like, "Uhhh...you know you're a horse person when.." I shoved them back in discreetly and was like, "What? I was just at the barn! A few days ago...In these jeans..." People just don't understand unless they have the sickness themselves.
Step-dad's riding tomorrow. I'm riding Sunday. Red will be off for the next couple days other than grooming time and possibly a bareback ride in between.
I would love to know how and where you got all of that INCLUDING BOOTS for >$100!
ReplyDeletePlease ignore that last comment... I went back a reread. Sorry! :)
ReplyDeleteNo problem! :)