My horse story began about 10 years ago, when i was maybe 8 or 9.
Our neighbor's pasture runs in our backyard, so when the horses were
out there I would cut up an apple and get some carrots and run outside
to see them. I knew all of them by name and knew all of their
personalities. They were/still are so special to me and they are to
blame for my passion for horses. Of course, like everything else, horses
don't last forever so I have had to say goodbye to a few in the last 10
years. And those horses were the ones that taught me everything I know
today; how to ride, how to fall off, how to clean a stall, how to groom,
as well as patience and responsibility. Then it seemed like so many horse-doors opened for me. I made a
ton of friends in the horse world. I had more horse opportunities than
ever! About three years ago, a lady at my church found out I loved
horses and she invited me out to her place. Little did I know that her
and her husband owned the Highland Saddle Club and that I would fall in
love with a pony there. I started out just cleaning stalls, brushing
horses, and watering the arena. I didn't get paid, just did it because I
loved it. And that leads me to Popcorn. No, not the food. He is a 14
year old pony (not sure exactly what breed he is). The first time I saw
him I was head over heels in love. He is such a good boy but can be a
pain at times, typical pony. Popcorn quickly became "my" pony. I started
longing him and working him whenever I had the chance. When I heard
about the shows that they have there I really wanted to be in it. So I
began working with Popcorn in showmanship. He was pretty good at it too.
We got first place the first time I showed him. I was so proud and
happy! I have been showing him for 3 years now and I'm enjoying every
minute of it. The last show we got third out of ten but I was still
super happy because so of those other horses were kinda intimidating and
looked better than my little pony. When I walked out of the arena, back
to the barn to put Popcorn in his stall, so many people stopped me and
said that they loved my pony and they thought he was so cute. I said
thank you and took the credit, but deep down I was sad because he really
isn't mine. They might as well give him to me after all of the free
work I've done over the last 3 years. But you never know. I'm still
hopeful. :)

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