
Get some abs, yo.

This really isn't horse related, but it kind of is in my eyes. My sister became a beach body coach a couple months ago. Ya know, the same one that just had twins. She literally is in fantastic shape and has a six pack. Anyways, she began doing T25 awhile ago and it has been amazing. I'm in horrible shape, so I was inspired and we got a group together on Facebook. We officially start on the 29th and I'd LOVE for some of y'all to join us!! You can find our group here.  Here is a brief description.

"To deliver the results of a 60 minute workout in just 25-minutes, Shaun uses Focus Interval Training (FIT). He takes on one muscle group at a time, works it to exhaustion and when you can’t do even one more rep, he moves on to the next muscle group…and then the next. From glutes to shoulders, abs to quads, biceps to obliques. Get the picture? It's a 25-minute, full-out attack on your body, without any rest. The only thing it leaves time for is scorching fat and sculpting muscle." -T-25 Website

If I can do it, you guys can do it! :)  I want to get in better shape to improve as an Equestrian, I know you guys would be interested in that as well. If you are interested, comment below, message me on Facebook or message my sister, Megan Parker
My sister! Haha!!


  1. Working on my fitness of course but I have my own routine. Thanks for sharing though.

  2. Sounds like a great plan! I nominated you for a reward on my blog. = )
