
Horse tag.

Hey y'all! First off, wish me luck because I just sent in a personal article to Horse Nation to become a bi-monthly poster. :) Very excited!

Secondly, someone sent me the questions from a youtube horse tag, I think all of them are from the youtube account Daretodream1999. Sooo..while I'm bored, thought I'd do it! :)

  • English or Western riding?: Western. :)
  • Saddle or bareback?: If I'm in a hurry, bareback, but I'd rather saddle up. I can do more with a saddle!
  • Most expensive thing bought?: Probably my breast collar...but my saddle is worth +300$, but the man traded us...we were selling a miniature horse and he gave me the saddle. :D My bridle is also worth a good amount-from the AQHA store!-but  I bought it secondhand.
  • Cheapest thing bought?: Hoof pick!! :D
  • Favorite product/grooming tool?: Horseman's dream Fung-away! :D MTG is great..
  • Breed of horse?: Quarter
  • Stocky or sleek?: Stocky.
  • Pleasure or sport riding?: Pleasure.
  • Does your tack have a theme?: It's all brown and red. :)
  • Favorite horse treats?: Well, I don't eat treats :P But Red's favorite are the little apple flavored treats from Tractor Supply. The little nuggets. :)
  • What do they eat?: Not sure on Spirit's diet or Cowboy's-mom's horses, LOL-but Red eats a low sodium/low starch feed with garlic for fly control. Not sure on exact brands right off the bat??
  • Horse name?: Uh. Red...
  • Do you own them?: Yep.
  • Do they know any tricks?: Red kisses on command and follows on command. But he normally follows anyways without the command. Working on bowing, but trying to figure out how to approach it.
  • Favorite place to ride?: Just around the farm.
  • Walk, trot, lope or gallop?: Lope.
  •  How do you feel when you are on a horse?: Free. Happy. Worry free.
  • Ever fallen off a horse, and is there a story?: I've just slid off while on bareback. No biggy.
 Next is a tag called, "Would you rather, horse edition" don't think this is by Daretodream1999...Anyways.
  • Bucket stuck to your foot or fly bottles stuck in your hand for a year?: Uh. Bucket.
  • A deaf horse or one that could only walk and trot?: Umm...I don't really have the knowledge or means for a deaf horse, so I guess the walk/trot.
  • Rearing or bucking horse?: Rearing.
  • Switch discipline and never be able to go back to original discipline, or switch style of riding?: Switch discipline..I love western. :)
  • Retire horse and keep it or train a horse of top discipline and have to sell it?: Ummm...I'd like my horse to stay well bodied and able, but if I had to retire him I'd keep him unless I had a reason that I shouldn't...so not sure. 
  • Understand what your horse thinks or spend unlimited time at barn?: Wow this is hard!!! As long as I can be at the barn a few times a week I guess understand, but if I could only visit every so often I guess unlimited time!
  • Fall of at a barrel racing competition with your favorite movie star watching or someone you are trying to impress?: It would be cool to meet my favorite movie star, soo...
  • Lease a horse you bond with or own a horse that hates you?: I would try to work through the hate, but I guess lease.
  • Go a week without a shower after riding every day or a week without horses?: Psh. I'd just stay at home other than going to the barn and not shower. LOL. Perfume and hats  anyone??
  • Muck stalls for the rest of your life or lunge your horse for the rest of your life with no riding?: MUCK. STALLS. I don't mind muck. As long as I can be around them after I muck the stalls. :)
  • Have an unlimited shopping-spree at your favorite store or have a full day lesson with the top trainer in the world?: LESSON!
  • Spend a week with your favorite famous horse or spend a week with your favorite youtube guru?: Uh. Horse. Dur!
  • Bit by a dog or horse?: dog.
  • Room makeover or barn makeover?: Unless I can add an indoor arena to the barn, room makeover. I love my barn!
  • Gift card to Sephora or tack shop?: Two. Words. TACK SHOP!

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